Sunday, July 4, 2010

Kama Gayathri

"Aum Kamdevaye Vidmahe

Pushpvanaye Dhimahi
Tanno Kamah Prachodayat"

Benefit: To increase the pleasure of sexual power, stamina and vitality.

Number of Chanting per day : 108
Total Number of Days to be chanted : 48

Agni Gayathri

"Aum Mahajwalaye Vidmahe

Agnidevaye Dhimahi
Tanno Agnih Prachodayat

Translation: “Om. Let us meditate on the great God of fire in the form of blazing flames. May that radiant Agni Deva inspire and illumine our mind and understanding
Benefit: To heal from burns faster.
Number of Chanting per day : 108
Total Number of Days to be chanted : 48